An old adage states that it’s better to be a river than a lake. That whatever resources come to us should not stop with us but flow through us on their way to bless others. Certainly this is true of any love we receive in our lives, from whatever source. Love mustn’t stop with us. It must move through us. Through our words, our actions, our thoughts, our touch, our caring, our hoping. It must move through us to others—and to the world as a whole.
I’m not proud of the fact that I have felt somewhat discouraged and hopeless in the past few weeks. My despair is because so much hate is being spewed into our world from many directions. Hate based on emotion and fear, not facts. I’m not proud of it because that’s not how my God would have me respond to this outpouring of hate. Rather He would ask me to flood it with an outpouring of His love, flowing through me.
So this Valentine’s Day, I’m going to take love more seriously than ever before. The romantic movies, the chocolates, the roses, the dinner out won’t cease to delight me, but they won’t fully satisfy me either. I want to seek love at the deepest level. I want to gorge on the love that knows no end. The love that sacrificed all. For only such profound love can wash away such a vast amount of hate and confusion.
God IS love (1 John 4:16). So I’ll ask Him to help me show love in a million little ways. I’ll ask Him to help me hold my tongue. I’ll ask Him to remind me that without forgiveness I am nothing. And that I can forgive others because He first forgave me. I’ll remember all the lavish love He’s sent into my life and believe that I can love others because He first loved me. I’ll ask Him to help me spend time with people of all persuasions and beliefs in peace, because He tells me that all people are worthy of love.
I know. This isn’t the paper doily, construction-paper-heart kind of Valentine love. But it truly is the love the world needs now. May it flow through us all.
Nancy, I love this blog! Actually all you write is AOK, but this one is particularly special for such a special day.
Love to you from me, Betty.
Thank you, Betty. Love to you!
Amen and Dittos!!
You can help hold me accountable, Jimmie!
Nancy, Your words today are exactly why you should not be discouraged and in despair. Because you counter the hatred and fear that seem to manifest in every soul save two … His that forgives and yours that carries the message. A small light in the darkness, but one that can spread. For that we should all have hope. Thank you.
Thank you for your encouragement, Ben. It’s an every day commitment.
I put your words on a card to remind me each day –“flood my world with the outpouring of love” . What a beautiful reminder!!
Thanks for reading it, Keeta. I decided this is the only way I can get through the present political situation without fretting myself sick. Of course God’s way always is the best way.
Nancy, loved what you had to say about taking love more seriously. I had just finished reading John 17:1-26 about Jesus’ prayer to His Father and asking Him to watch over us with the same love they have for each other. What a gift when He manifests that through us. God Bless!
Thanks, Eileen. I’ll count on you to hold me accountable if I start sounding discouraged again!
Nancy, this is lovely! Thank you!
What the world needs now is (definitely!) love, sweet love. Your love-blog is very beautiful, and I know it comes from a pure heart! When I feel down, I remind myself that God is in charge, and even though we don’t always understand His methods, He sees the big picture. He can use the least likely person to accomplish His lofty goals.
Thank you Nancy! Beautifully written and inspires me to let God’s love flow freely. I am praying today for those I know who have lost their Valentines and are feeling that loss today. Love you!