This time of year there is a lot of emphasis on love in our society, but too often the focus is on romantic love and little thought is given to other types of love. The love of parent and child, of grandparent and grandchild, or of one friend for another are all incredible forces of love worth celebrating. We can show our love to the seniors in our lives by reminding them that love is both timeless and ageless.
Jesus was the perfect model of how we are to love, and He asked us to love ourselves, love others, and love God.
First, love ourselves. In Mark 12:31, Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Yet because of messages they heard as a child, old wounds, failures, or even sin, older adults sometimes find it hard to love themselves. We need to remind them that we can all love ourselves because God first loved us. And He loves us unconditionally. He loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die for us so that we could dwell in His presence for eternity. He loves us enough to convict us of our sins and free us from even the guilt of them. He loves us enough to indwell us with the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us. He loves us enough to give us people to love and to be loved by, and a Creation to enjoy. He stuffs our shoeboxes with valentines!

Second, we are to love others. In John 13:34, Jesus said, “A new command I give you: Love one another.” Some people are easier to love than others. But we are even to love the unlovable. It may be unrealistic to believe that we will be able to love everyone we encounter unconditionally, but it is realistic to believe that we can consider choosing love as our first response in every situation. What a difference that would make in the daily lives of those in care facilities. Tell them it’s possible.
Finally, we are to love God. In Matthew 22:37, Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” He called this the first and greatest commandment. We love God when we worship Him and give Him praise. We love Him when we obey Him and trust Him with our past, present, and future. And we can do that at any age.
Let’s reach out to the seniors in our lives with the love that lasts—the kind of love worth celebrating today and every day. Happy Valentine’s Day!
First published in Pikes Peak Senior News, February/March 2021.
Thank you for these beautiful words, Nancy. And Happy Valentine’s Day to you!
Same to you, Sue!
Thanks Nancy. Great words as a reminder and an inspiration. Love, JoBeth
Thank you, JoBeth. Good to hear from you.
Thanks, Nancy! We “old folks” need to be reminded our pasts don’t necessarily dictate our present or future. God forgives and forgets–we need to do the same, no matter how difficult it is. We need to remind ourselves that ‘love’ is an active verb and we need to participate.
Absolutely, Peggy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
What a beautiful message of love. We all need to remember how god loved us. We all seem to forget at times how to love others. Thank you Jesus, thank you also Nancy
Thanks and love to you both!
Beautiful message for Valentine’s Day!
Thank you Nancy😍
You are so welcome. One Grancy to another!
Love coming at you, yesterday, today, Valentine’s Day and always, Nancy.
Thank you, Betty, and the same to you!
Widows are often overlooked on Valentine’s Day They are reminded of their lost loves and are often saddened on Valentine’s Day. That will be my outreach: to widows (male and female) for reminding them of their value to us and to the Lord. Much love to you Nancy for all the uplifting things you share and do: especially for seniors.
Thanks, Charlie. I always try to remember my single friends whether widowed or never coupled at all. There’s so much more to love than romance. Love your comment.
Nancy, thank you for this timely reminder to love our seniors even well beyond Valentine’s Day. I love your heart for loving others—of any age—well.
I’m very blessed that my 97-year-old mother is not only alive but well enough that she and my step-father are able to live alone. I’ve sent flowers their way for many years now … I want her to enjoy them now rather than later! Yes … Valentine’s Day can truly be a day to celebrate all types of love!
Amen, sister. I’m so happy for your mom, too!