I’m excited to announce to my blog subscribers first that Volume Two of The Hope of Glory, A Devotional Guide for Older Adults, is set to release on March 29 from Ironstream Media. Most books have a back story, and this book’s story goes back a long way.
When I was finishing up The Hope of Glory, Volume One, in 2013 for a 2014 release date, I was dismayed to discover that I had two lessons in the book on the theme of grace. You may know that each of the 57 lessons in the book (one a week plus five for special holidays) was written to be used in a class of residents at an assisted living facility. Since I wrote a new lesson prior to my class each week, it wasn’t until I was compiling the final manuscript that I discovered the duplication. Not only did I need to come up with one more lesson, I didn’t know what I would do with the extra “grace!”
“That’s OK,” I heard the Lord reassure me. “You can use it in Volume Two.”
“Volume Two!” I exclaimed. “Give me a break. I don’t even have this volume off to the publisher and You’re telling me I’m going to be writing Volume Two?” Yep. That was the message.
Since I was in the habit of writing one lesson a week I just kept going and soon had fifteen lessons written for the second book. (Plus the new one I had to write for Volume One of course!) But then I felt led in a different direction.

During the time my mom and my mom-in-law spent in assisted living we learned a great deal about what to do and what not to do to help them navigate this new and sometimes scary season of life. After they passed away, I was left with knowledge I no longer needed. Yet I kept running in to friends who were currently facing how to care for aging parents, and I knew there were many more Baby Boomers sailing in to these uncharted waters daily. I collected research, interviewed caregivers, recorded our memories, and the result was the book Take My Hand Again, A Faith-based Guide for Helping Aging Parents, published by Kregel Publications in 2015.
After all the new book excitement died down (Oprah never did call), I knew I needed to get back to writing weekly lessons for The Hope of Glory but a bit of laziness set in. On weeks that I had the time and felt the inspiration, I would write a new lesson. Other weeks it was just easier to pick up my well-worn copy of The Hope of Glory and use one of those lessons. Besides, I was volunteering at a different facility then so they were all new to those folks!
Fast forward to the pandemic lock-down of 2020—two years ago this month. Out of excuses and still feeling the nudging of the Holy Spirit to finish what was started so long ago, I set up a dedicated writing schedule and completed the manuscript. But then I had to run the publishing gauntlet once again. The wonderful agent I had for Take My Hand Again had retired, and the publisher of The Hope of Glory, Volume One, was purchased by another publisher. Believing in the Divine Agent I still had, into the fray I went and finally received a contract from the new publisher, Ironstream Media, in March of 2021.
Many famous authors write two books a year, following successful formulas their readers have come to expect. I admire them, but I’m not them. Rather I’m grateful for, and content with, the assignments I’ve been given by God, and for the ability to bring them to completion in His way and in His time.

If you’d like to celebrate the launch of this latest joint venture with me, I’d love to have you on my Book Launch Team! All you have to do is agree to spread the word about The Hope of Glory to those who need it most: to anyone who is a senior, works with seniors, or cares for them. This could include at a care facility near you, at your church, on social media, in your small group Bible study, to a neighbor over the back fence, your hairdresser, etc. I’ll send out easy-to-share posts and quotes to the team. Just say, “I’m in!” in the comments section below. (Whether you’re willing to share a little or a lot!)
Let me know how you shared about the book during the month of April and I will enter your name in a drawing for a free book and a $50 gift card to COSAS Phoenix, my stepdaughter Julie’s wonderful collection of colorful imports supporting Mexican vendors. My cat, Annie, will draw the winning name on May 2!
Thank you for reading and for being the wind in my sails! I so appreciate those of you who encouraged me to complete the assignment God gave me. To God be the glory.
Congrats Nancy!
This is a HUGE milestone in your writing life and I am so very proud of your passion for reaching out to assisted living residents and for the dedication it took to complete this enormous task.
God will bless these words!
I love you
Thank you for your unending support through all the delays and dallies! I love you too!!
Of course, I’m IN, Nancy! Soooo very proud of you listening to your Divine Agent. HIS plans are always best. Love Annie’s celebratory costume for your new book release.
Thank you, Beth! Isn’t Annie’s portrait hilarious? My stepdaughter Julie had it made on canvas as a Christmas gift by pulling a photo of her off Facebook.
Wow, I’m so proud of you! Of course I’m in so just let me know what I need to do. Love you Jimmie
Thank you, Jimmie! You’re always great about spreading the word so any ways that work for you are great!
Count me in and BRAVO, Nancy!!!!!
Thank you, friend. Looking forward to our celebratory lunch!
Publishing this volume has been quite a journey for you, Nancy. There’s an old saying, ‘There’s many a slip twixt cup and lip’ which I apply to anything and everything to do with publishing. So, when you’re sure the book is available on Amazon, shoot me an email so I can post a review.
I so appreciate your encouragement along the way, Peggy, and your excellent editing always. That’s a great quote, applicable to many situations but especially publishing! Would love for you to post a review. It’s up for pre-sales now but I’m assuming they won’t accept reviews until after the March 29 release date. Since you’re intimately acquainted with the book, you could be first!
I’m not familiar with Amazon’s rules on when they accept reviews. I just always wait until I’m sure it’s available.
AH, SUCH happy news! Well done my dear friend and former co-author, I am proud of you. Count me in on the promotional front!
Thank you my friend and partner in wordsmithing!
Congratulations on this latest project! Surely many will be blessed by it. I will share it in April to the Humboldt County Senior Center here where I live. It’s located just three blocks south of my house. Been closed during Covid, but they still do meals for seniors. I believe it’s starting to reopen soon. I’ll let you know the status!
Thank you so much, Pam. It’s great to spread the word out of state! I appreciate your help.
Count me in.
Thank you, Karen! I greatly appreciate your support.
Oh, Nancy, it feels like Christmas Day to receive your book on my doorstep today! Congratulations from a big fan who uses Volume 1 with a care facility in Fresno, California. I once wrote you a looooong comment on here but for some reason, you didn’t receive it. I couldn’t let this opportunity pass today to thank you for another fine accomplishment for my favorite demographic to the glory of God! Well done!
I forgot to say, “I’m in!” I would love to be part of your Book Launch Team!
Thank you so much, Tanya. You’re on the Launch Team List!
Dear Nancy: What a remarkable feat. And what a wonderful gift for those of us who are vintage. From and old friend from Pen Women. With congratulatory hugs, Betty Howard
Thank you, Betty! I miss our old Pen Women group. Hope you are doing well.