“Mary, Did You Know?” is my husband’s very favorite Christmas song, and I love it, too. It was written in 1991 by Mark Lowry, with music by Buddy Greene, when both were part of the Gaither Vocal Band. Since then it has been recorded and performed beautifully by many artists.
One reason it captures us so is that it takes us right back to the moment described in Luke 1 when Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her, “Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end” (Luke 1:30-33).
The lyrics in the song go on to outline all the things Mary couldn’t possibly have known as a teenager in Nazareth, surprised and frightened by the appearance of God’s messenger. Things she couldn’t even know as she held her newborn son after he was born: That He would one day walk on water, save our sons and daughters, give sight to a blind man, calm the storm with His hand…that He was, in fact, the great I Am! Perhaps the most touching line in the song is, “When you kiss your little baby, you’ll kiss the face of God.”
No, Mary couldn’t possibly know all the joys and sorrows that this assignment from God would bring her. But she knew God, and she trusted Him. After asking just one quite reasonable question, “How will this be…since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34), Mary submitted herself completely to God’s will for her life. “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said” (Luke 1:38).
Mary was called blessed among women. Yes, there was great heartache, but Mary’s assignment brought her many blessings as well. Is there an area of your life where you are struggling with something God is asking of you? Trust and submit to His will. The blessings will follow.
Merry Christmas to you, and may your new year be full of hope and joy.
First published in a Christmas Devotional, Fellowship of the Rockies, 2017.
I hope to be able to say what Mary said when God gives me an assignment!
This song is also my very favorite Christmas song. When it comes on the radio I have to pause and stop everything to listen to the words every time.
Thank you for this information.
Me too, Emily, and it has the same effect on me. Good to hear from you. Have a blessed Christmas!
Nancy, may you and your family have a Blessed Christmas!!
joys and sorrows…………….now that is a poignant rich term – Biblical and experiential for all of us. Didn’t we first hear that from Barbara Mouser something to this effect “this side of heaven joys and sorrows will always be inextricably linked”? Oh yes Mary knew “joys and sorrows” and this song IS beautiful!!!!!
Thanks for those reflections, Lea Ann, and AMEN. Have a blessed Christmas.
I first heard Mark Lowery as a Christian comedian and appreciated his testimony through his comedy. So, I was surprised to learn he wrote the serious “Mary, Did You Know.” The first time I heard it, I kept waiting for the comedy, such as diaper changing and terrible twos! Nancy, I wish for you and yours a Merry Christmas, and a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2024!
How interesting, Peggy! I didn’t know that about him. I’m sure Mary experienced all you imagined and more. May you also have a Christmas full of joy and a new year full of hope!
I agree with Jim! My favorite too and it is especially true if Kathy Fitzgerald sings it!!
Love you and Merry Christmas!
I’ll have to ask her to sing it for me!! Thanks, Jimmie. And Merry Christmas! Love you too.
Roger and I became familiar with “Mary Did You Know” when we lived in Pagosa Springs some years ago both at Centerpoint Church and Pagosa Bible Church. We sang in both choirs and absolutely fell in love with the song. It is spot on joyful and pleasing to our hearts. We have moved to Texas and have been trying to organize our lake home. Hope to find a church home soon. Will be with Blake and family for Christmas this year and with Diana and family next year. Being in a choir really gives us a boost.
Merry Christmas to you and Jim.
Roger and I became familiar with “Mary Did You Know” when we lived in Pagosa Springs some years ago both at Centerpoint Church and Pagosa Bible Church. We sang in both choirs and absolutely fell in love with the song. It is spot on joyful and pleasing to our hearts. We have moved to Texas and have been trying to organize our lake home. Hope to find a church home soon. Will be with Blake and family for Christmas this year and with Diana and family next year. Being in a choir really gives us a boost.
Merry Christmas to you and Jim.
Thank you Nancy! I absolutely love that song too. I always causes me to reflect on God’s blessings. They often come at a time that we might consider “inconvenient.” What if Mary had chosen not to be a servant of God?
Thank you Nancy!
Merry Christmas and a Blessed 2024 for you and your family!
Thanks for reading, Susan! Yes, God’s timing isn’t always ours for sure.
Nancy, did you know that you continually bless us with your wisdom and encouragement? Thank you, thank you, my friend. Here’s to a hope-filled new year of following His voice with great joy.
Thank you, Beth! Likewise to you, my friend.
Astounding lyrics! The wonder of the Incarnation never grows dim.Thank you, Nancy, for polishing gems that make the story shine again under that starlit sky of so long ago.
You are so welcome, Alice! Thank you for your comment. Sorry I’m so late in responding. For some reason I can only access my website from Jim’s computer now and I forget to do that!