It’s happened. The sunflowers in the park where I walk bloomed and the back-to-school photos showed up on social media—two sure signs another school year is off and running.
Each year the timing of this event catches me and others of my generation off guard. How fondly we remember three long and lazy months of summer, with not a thought toward putting on those stiff new jeans or plaid dresses until after Labor Day. Yes, things change, but we can’t help thinking our grandkids are being robbed of a few more precious weeks of summer–more time to just be before they are asked to perform.
What hasn’t changed is how parents and grandparents hope the new school year will be kind to their offspring. We want their minds to be as sharp as those number two pencils in their backpacks and their hopes and dreams to be as bright as the neon colors in that new box of crayons. So we admire the photos, tell them we love them, and pray:
Lord, You know how hard it is for us to send the children we love out in to this ever worsening world unprotected. You see more evil than we do, and You weep when we weep over every school shooting or bullying incident.

Go with them, Lord. They need the armor You provide, for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). Equip them, we pray, with your belt of truth (v.14), breastplate of righteousness (v.14) and shield of faith (v.16).
You may have provided new school shoes, but we pray you will also fit their feet with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace (v.15). Give them the helmet of salvation (v.17) to protect them and the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God (v.17). And Lord, in your mercy, please help each child to have at least one good friend, for as You know, that can make all the difference.
They are yours, Lord. You love them even more than we do. Go with them we pray.